Nikon is one of the leading company in digital imaging in the world..Their website, here in Malaysia, also quite interesting and organize...and the most imprtantly...user friendly...basicly they use the same layout concept for other region, even for the global site...They do this way to suit the broad range of their target audiance..start from early teenagers (who like to take the snapshots of their friends for fun) until those adults (who really dedicated their life for professional photography)...Even when the first time visiting this website, i think people wont get confuse...And also user will get what they wat easily..ony have 3 level of pages...Still dont want bother to click?..use the search facility on top there...
We will easily locate the navigational drop-down menu buttons..i think because of the small icon next to it..and also the font weight..its bold... 0.0
In general, they using 3 types of layout..1st you can find in the Home Page and Products..which is contain 2 columns, with the one on the left showing more spacific
and detail info and on the right is more like a "shortcut" for you to easy access on to their products...
Screenshots of the home page...
And here is the screenshots for the products page...
Okay, the next layout is when you go deeper inside the products page..and you'll have something like this (see pic below..) For this 2nd layout, it has 3 main area, which is pictures of the product from many angle, general information (price, kit lens, brochures, etc..), and the specific informations (main features, tech specs, related products, ,etc...)
Screenshots of a detail products page...
And the last one is a layout for service&support, news room, where to buy, nikon hub, and links..which is diplaying a pics and text, for informative part..and a thumbnail for a related links...
Screenshot for news room...
As for the grid system...they just play save...using the same header and footer for all the pages (except for main and products page..they insert a flash animation to make the page looks "life")..