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As you can see this website is full of content..and in my opinion they cover too much already. The 1st time i visit this website was making me so confuse, even they organize the content based on the type of the content but still its very crowded and confusing. Maybe if they have a lot of content (a lot of contents with totaly different ground!) rthey should create another website to handle another things (ground).
For the navigation system, they use a usual button placement..which look abit boring, but they overcome with a nicely use of colour. Each section have they own colour. Yea the only thing thet i like in this website is only the colour, very "family's" colour which is suit the contents.
Overall it looks too crowded...really...
*But lucky they put "search" to help the user to find what they looking for.
Not much to say for Martha Steward's website, now continue to
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Compare to Marta Stewart's website, is more organize, maybe i think because they more focus to one purpose ---> selling items.
Navigation system abit hidden at the fiet time, because they put it under the (for me..) quite big image, and no separate between the menu.
For the content they do a nice job by high-lighting an important sentence. So its easierfor user to recognize.
Another thing that good in this website is the consistancy in the layout. Using 2 columns for the above the fold and a single column for bellow the fold.